Saturday, April 2, 2011

A day in the life of a lunatic

I hear people talk about  how much they love the weekend. How they are so relaxing. Sleep gets caught up on, couples reconnect, cars get washed. Me? Oh I love my weekends home with my kids. But there are Sundays, Saturdays even, that I long for Monday morning. Today was one such Saturday...

Aparrently when the alarm went off at 4:15 for my husband to get up for work I simply rolled over, turned it off, and settled back into my sleeping pattern. Luckily, Chris was already awake so it was no harm, no foul. This may not seem strange to some of you, but for those of you who know me well, this says how exhuasted I was. As Chris loves to say, when I'm asleep I can hear a mouse sneeze. So when my kids finally crawl into bed with me at 6:30, it feels like I JUST went to sleep. A few minutes late Drew wakes up and it's time to start my day. Nothing too out of the ordinary, my house just has to look perfect by 1 pm for a showing. Oh yeah, forgot to mention I'm trying to sell my house...

So I do the morning usual family stuff and when it's time to change Chloe's diaper she tells me she wants to wear undies. I've been trying to potty train her for a while now so I jump all over this. On go the undies. 20 minutes and 1 attempt on the potty we  need new undies. Yeah cause I have time for this today. But good parenting is hard so we keep trucking. About a half hour later I call up the stairs to her "Chloe do you need to sit on the potty?" The customary "No" gets set my way. Then like two seconds later shes trying to get down the stairs as fast as she can. 2 steps down she starts crying hysterically and I know. I just know shes peed on the stairs. What I don't anticipate is that my 87 years old home is sloping inward slightly. So the pee that has run down her pants onto my stairs is also running down the wall of said stairway. And not just a little bit. Like a full bladders worth. Needless to say, the small human wore a diaper for the remainder of the day.

After de-peeing (is that even a word?) the stairs and walls, cleaning the house, recleaning where the girls made a mess, we head out to the in laws to hang out during the showing. And everything goes down hill from there. Mostly due to children related meltdowns that I think you all would rather do without. But by about 3:30 this afternoon I was wishing so hard for Monday. Chris takes the girls outside to give me some peace and when I finally head out to join them, Alyssa wants to play t-ball, Chloe wants me to go down the slide (only one of my ass cheeks fit on it), Drew is asleep and I'm so happy to be home.

But this weekend will always be remembered as the one that Chloe made pee go down the wall. Makes me wonder what the children of the previous owners of this house did. If mine was not the first child to make the walls pee. The house is almost 90 years old. It is possible. But definitely too deep a thought for a Saturday night...