Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Seems like forever

Man it's been a while. All sorts of sick kids, a sick husband and finally getting sick myself and you get like a month long blog hiatus. Hope you'll all forgive me (the 5 of you who follow me lol).

As I sit here and try and think of the funny lil anictodes that I wanna share with you all, I'm not quite sure where to start. Apparently Chloe sees dead people, Alyssa has suddenly become this super awesome attitude child, Drew is so enormous he looks like he could eat his new baby cousin Johnny, Chris got a promotion at work (I'm so very proud of him) and I fart at work. Have I got your attention? No? Want to know the totally gross thing one of my patients "confessed" to eating? Well too bad on that last one...

Not quite sure what happened, but somewhere in the last 2 months Alyssa has become this really great kid. Well, she's always been great, but now shes being nice too. A little history: she has a congenital heart condition that makes her very tired in the evenings. Tired Lulu equals nasty Lulu. I think she finally comprehends that her nastiness makes us all testy at night. Either that or we are finally learning to deal better. But after 5 years, I'mgoing to go with her maturing just a bit and not wanting to always spread her mysery around. Do I sound like a hateful and uncaring parent? Well a child with a health issue is still a child in need of structure and love and discipline... I will provide all of the above.

On a lighter note our middle youngster told her daddy that she saw people in an empty graveyard. While they were driving by she says "Look daddy. People." He looks.No people. Just a graveyard. Nice. My response? Well at least we know our house isn't haunted....

Drews blurb really needs little explanation, but I have a brand spanking new nephew. And a teeny one at that. All of 6lbs, 3oz. Adorable. I just wanna hold him all day...

One bathroom and 2 people with the stomach flu is just no fun. As I'm holding Chloes' hair next to the toilet I can see my poor husband pacing... the issue? He has to puke too. Note to self (6 years ago): don't buy a house with only one bathroom...

And yes I do in fact fart. Everyone does. A discovery that was made at work yesterday; yes I fart at work sometimes. Especially when Gigi walks up behind me and scares one out. Yes I will fart. And yes I will announce it to all who are listening while I laugh hysterically. Even to the men doing construction in our department. I'm not even embarassed.

I was gonna end there cause really, that shits funny and lets end on a high note. But I just wanted to say something serious. This past month I've had one of my best friends call off their wedding, another friend start divorce proceedings, and have heard nothing but couples fight. Early spring can be one of the hardest times for relationships... everyone is stir crazy from winter, could be suffering from seasonal depression, or have financial strains fromseasonal work. Starting a family (whether you decide to have kids or not) is not something to be entered into lightly. Nor is it something to dissolve when the going gets tough. I'm not a terribly religious woman, so this isn't about the sanctity of marriage. Its about creating a family. Of all kinds. Families can be shitty sometimes, but one should not just bail out! But I'm just an old married hag so what do I know? I've only been married for 7 plus years....

And no you  still can't know what my patient ate...

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