Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Meet Lily

A few of my good friends from high school will remember that at one time during my Junior or Senior year I was writing a novel. Like 30 chapters in I quit. I remember a certain Emily being quite furious with me.

Seeing as though I don't really have anything that I can share in my blog that pertains to the upheaval that is my current life, I will introduce you all to Lily. She is my first character. This is an unedited first draft of your introduction to her. Your feedback is essential...

               Lily turns the shower on full blast and steam immediately starts to envelope her bathroom. She loving touches the sky blue glass tile she and Mike spent hours laying, grouting, cleaning, swearing, and laughing over. A secret smile plays on her lips as Lily remembers making love to her husband on this half tiled floor with mud on her cheek. Their love was so new then.
                She places her glass of Chianti on the vanity counter as she starts to undress. Lily takes stock of her body in the mirror. “Well,” she thinks to herself, “not bad. My breasts could be perkier. Definitely carrying a little extra muffin around my middle and my ass isn’t as plump either. But not too shabby for a mother of 2 in her 30s. A bikini could be in my future. Ha!”
                Self assessment complete, she steps into the blistering hot shower. This was heaven on earth for her. Spray so hot you could barely tolerate it and your skin turns so red you look like a steamed lobster. Lily simply stands under the shower head  for a bit while she goes through her mental checklist for the following day. Lucas’ lunch? Check. Amanda’s dance bag packed? Check. Dinner for tomorrow in the crockpot? Another check. The final check on her list was her lunch. Lily frowns a little to herself as she tries to decide what she wanted. Coming up short  Lily thinks she’ll just eat out. This complete, she grabs her shampoo. She smiles as the scent of coconuts drifts to her nose. Mikes favorite.  Lily closes her eyes as she massages the soap into her scalp and down her long light auburn hair. Her mind is blissfully empty as she rinses her hair and opens her eyes. Staring back at her are eyes so blue they are almost transparent. Lily screams, but no one hears her…

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