Monday, June 27, 2011

My missing ovary

Hahahaha! Yes folks. I have a missing ovary. No it's not floating around my body like some serian starship. And yes it is probably spitting eggs at random organs. How does such a thing happen? Apparently cause I got my tubes tied. Yup. Here's the story....

So I've been having random pelvic pain. Most importantly it happens at the most (ahem) inconvenient times. It can really dampen a moment. Anyhoo, things just haven't been right since I had Drew, so after 4 rescheduled gyn appts (yes 4, 1 for each kid, plus 1 for my phone that randomly pushed ALL my appts back an hour after the time change) I finally see a doctor. We do an ultrasound (yes one of THOSE ultrasounds for which you leave feeling violated) and viola! I have a very nice strand of graduating sized pearls around my right ovary. The left ovary? Don't know. Can't find it. Is my doctor concerned? Nope. Probably hiding behind my colon he says. Good deal. Who needs it anyway? I certainly don't. It was a little over eager anyway if you ask me. I mean seriously. 3 kids in 5 years? It shoulda gotten lost a while ago....

So here I am, not a fan of synthetic hormones, surgically infertile, and I'm back on birth control pills for hormone suppression. I'm sure there is a lesson in all of this. I'm not quite sure what it is. But hopefully it will take care of the cysts and I will no longer have moments of (inopportune) pain. YIPEEE!!!!

And I Dashed yesterday. As in muddy, filthy, awesome, sometimes terrifying, fire leaping Warrior Dashed. And it was awesomly awesome. So awesome I have to keep saying awesome cause its all I got for an adjective right now. The weekend didn't just end awesome, it started that way again. Chris and I got some very much needed time away. So it started great and ended great. That is until cranky Nicci came out. Tired and cranky Nicci is very unpleasant, so we'll just leave it at that.

And maybe I'll upload some pics. We'll see.

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