Saturday, December 31, 2011

Farewell to 2011

I think that 2011 was quite possibly that hardest year of my life to date. There are many parts to this I can't share with my (6 lol) followers, but let it be known that it just plain sucked.
My hope for 2012 is simple. Just be better than this last year. I'm not asking to win the lotto, or keep my kids out of the pediatric office. Those things would be awesome don't get me wrong. But I really want a less dramatic, more normal 2012. I want to smile more and cry less. Spend more time with my kids without worrying about the future. Go out on more dates with my husband and for drinks more with my friends.
I've recently been informed by my mother that I'm not a very good daughter. And while something like that might prompt some people to resolve to actually be a better daughter, I know that I'm a pretty good one already who has been going through some pretty rough shit. So in this instance I'm resolving to not take it personal. Know that the problem is with her unreasonably high expectations and not with my actions or inactions.
I used to be very good at not taking things personally. Especially in my personal life. I need to revisit this trait and remember how I did that. This past year has rocked my entire foundation. It has shown me that perhaps it was always a bit unsteady and maybe needed some more cement. That mortar can only be found inside of me. But it has been especially nice to know it can be shaken but will not crumble. I will not crumble. I have had proven what I had always believed... That when push came to shove I picked the right person to be in the trenches with. Together we cannot fail.
Today I'm still not sure what the future holds. But I'm a hell of a lot more optimistic. So I'm asking 2012 to pay up for 2011. In fact, I'm daring it to...

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